Welcome to my third year of keeping a photo journal, where I add a photo each week of the Chinese Zodiac Year. Links to my previous journals for the Year of the Tiger and the Year of the Rabbit are below on the right.
Why have I used a Welsh Dragon on my banner? Well, our family is more than half Welsh - Mike is Welsh and grew up in South Wales, and my paternal Grandfather was Welsh, although he moved to Australia as a child. I like the amalgamation of our Welsh heritage with our current life in China.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 13 - Here comes the Bride

That stunning bride is my beautiful baby sister.  She is almost ready to walk down the aisle of St James Church, Islington, in London.

I was a bridesmaid with those other two, who are friends of Marnie's from school.  We were making sure Marnie was all ready before we did our final touches, like shoes!

We had a lovely morning getting hair done at a nearby salon, then make up back at the house.  A white London taxi was the wedding car. And the flowers were stunning.

The reception was held in the Islington Town Hall, and despite the weather, the day was perfect.

Best wishes and much love to Mr and Mrs D!

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