Welcome to my third year of keeping a photo journal, where I add a photo each week of the Chinese Zodiac Year. Links to my previous journals for the Year of the Tiger and the Year of the Rabbit are below on the right.
Why have I used a Welsh Dragon on my banner? Well, our family is more than half Welsh - Mike is Welsh and grew up in South Wales, and my paternal Grandfather was Welsh, although he moved to Australia as a child. I like the amalgamation of our Welsh heritage with our current life in China.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 52 - Shanghai Museum

This is looking down from the top floor into the atrium at the Shanghai Museum in Peoples Park.  The building is shaped like a big cooking pot and has 4 floors of Chinese Art, including sculpture, painting, calligraphy and jade.  There are also collections of coins, furniture, tribal clothing and jewellery.

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