Welcome to my third year of keeping a photo journal, where I add a photo each week of the Chinese Zodiac Year. Links to my previous journals for the Year of the Tiger and the Year of the Rabbit are below on the right.
Why have I used a Welsh Dragon on my banner? Well, our family is more than half Welsh - Mike is Welsh and grew up in South Wales, and my paternal Grandfather was Welsh, although he moved to Australia as a child. I like the amalgamation of our Welsh heritage with our current life in China.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 43 - Hongqiao Flower Market

This week I went to the Hongqiao Flower Market, for the first time since moving to Shanghai, 4 years ago - loved it!!  How and why have I never been here before??  Has everything, and does not have the same feel as the fake markets, but can still find a bargain as well.  

The flower section was beautiful and had everything from potted plants, to cut flowers and stunning orchids.  These gorgeous little flower arrangements are especially for Christmas, as the Hongqiao Flower Market really caters for expats, not locals.  They said these would last for one month, so I'll have to go back next week to get one, as we went a few days before the 25th!!

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