Welcome to my third year of keeping a photo journal, where I add a photo each week of the Chinese Zodiac Year. Links to my previous journals for the Year of the Tiger and the Year of the Rabbit are below on the right.
Why have I used a Welsh Dragon on my banner? Well, our family is more than half Welsh - Mike is Welsh and grew up in South Wales, and my paternal Grandfather was Welsh, although he moved to Australia as a child. I like the amalgamation of our Welsh heritage with our current life in China.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 23 - China Maritime Museum

We keep finding little gems even after 4 years here - this amazing building is the China Maritime Museum out past Pudong Airport in Shanghai. The heat of the day was conquered by the air conditioning inside.  We spent about 3 hours exploring this museum, which was deceptively huge, there were control rooms to play in, engines to adjust, models to look at, phones to talk into, films to watch and computer simulated welding and crane driving exercises.  
It was amazing, and the kids loved it too.

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