Welcome to my third year of keeping a photo journal, where I add a photo each week of the Chinese Zodiac Year. Links to my previous journals for the Year of the Tiger and the Year of the Rabbit are below on the right.
Why have I used a Welsh Dragon on my banner? Well, our family is more than half Welsh - Mike is Welsh and grew up in South Wales, and my paternal Grandfather was Welsh, although he moved to Australia as a child. I like the amalgamation of our Welsh heritage with our current life in China.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 10 - Karst Peaks

This is the view from our balcony at the Yangshuo Village Inn, a little out of town in a small village called Moon Hill Scenic Village.  The scenery was stunning and our few days here were just amazing.  We had an equally spectacular view out of the other side of our room.

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